Change Log
This holds the change history for Bonfire as we lead up to a 1.0 release. It's not exhaustive, but should give you a good idea of the changes that have been made and how it might impact you.
IMPORTANT! Breaking changes are marked with words breaking change
in parentheses right after the date.
26 February 2025 (breaking change)
Finished implementation of <x-button> component in the Admin theme. Users need to update the Admin theme (updated the component definition).
19 January 2025
Resource Meta Info (if you have configured such) can now be included in the Admin area search (see docs page Search for details).
18 January 2025 (breaking change)
Possibility to have Second Factor Authentication is added to Bonfire2, implementing Codeigniter Shield feature.
To use the feature on existing installs you will first need to update the userspace Config file app/Config/Auth.php
in particular – the property $views
, two keys relating to 2FA to look like this:
'action_email_2fa' => '\Bonfire\Views\Auth\email_2fa_show',
'action_email_2fa_verify' => '\Bonfire\Views\Auth\email_2fa_verify',
Failing to do that and enabling 2FA in the admin area will lock the users out of your website.
To fix it, after modifying the config file, issue this command on your database to clean up references to wrong classes:
DELETE FROM settings WHERE class="Config\Auth" AND key="actions";
16 January 2025
Bonfire can henceforth warn you about breaking changes (like need to update Admin/Auth themes, change config files, etc).
To get such notifications when updating Bonfire, you can add a command to your composer.json scripts section:
"scripts": {
"post-update-cmd": [
"php spark notify:breaking-changes"
New Bonfire install will automatically include this command.
18 March 2024 (breaking change)
<x-button> and <x-button-container> view components implemented.
When updating, copy files themes/Admin/Components/button-container.php
and themes/Admin/Components/button.php
into the corresponding folder of your project's Admin theme. See #434 for details about the change.