Widgets are elements that display information on the dashboard. They are either a small informational card, or a chart of some sort.
Some settings are available in the administration settings area. Each type of widget has its own specific settings, which can be used to specify which information is displayed for the widget, as well as whether it's animated, where labels are displayed, etc.
Statistic widget
The first widget is the statistics widget, which is just a counter with a shortcut that allows me to open the list of elements of a module. It could be used to display a year-to-day revenue at a glance, total number of users in the system, new users this month, or any other simple statistic.
Adding a new widget is done by editing the initAdmin
method of your Module.php
file, similar to adding a menu:
// Settings widgets stats on dashboard
$widgets = service('widgets');
$users = new UserModel();
$statsItem = new StatsItem([
'bgColor' => 'bg-blue',
'title' => 'Users',
'value' => $users->countAll(),
'url' => ADMIN_AREA . '/users',
'faIcon' => 'fa fa-user',
bgColor represents the background color of the widget. The available options are:
- bg-blue
- bg-red
- bg-orange
- bg-light
- bg-dark
- bg-inverse
- bg-indigo
- bg-purple
- bg-pink
- bg-yellow
- bg-green
- bg-teal
- bg-lime
- bg-cyan
- bg-white
- bg-gray
- bg-gray-dark
The title of the widget displayed at the top left
The value of the widget displayed under the title: typically the total number of records
The address that displays the list of objects on your module. It will be associated with the word "view detail"
The FontAwesome icon
All settings are available in the Bonfire\Widgets\Config\Stats
class, or in the admin settings area.
In the administration settings area, you can choose to: - Display the "View Detail" link
Charts widget
Adding a new chart widget is done in the initAdmin
method of your Module.php
file, similar to adding a menu:
$statsItem = new ChartsItem([
'title' => 'User classification by group',
'type' => 'line',
'cssClass' => 'col-6',
$statsItem->addDataset('auth_groups_users', 'group', 'user_id');
The title of the chart displayed at the top center
The type of chart. The available options are:
- line
- bar
- doughnut
- pie
- polarArea
Set the width of the chart. Examples options are:
- col-3
- col-6
- col-9
- col-12
addDataset(string $tableName, string $groupField, string $countField, string $selectMode = 'count')
Currently, only one dataset can be added to the chart. The required parameters are:
- Name of the table
- Grouping field
- Field to count
It is possible to indicate a fourth parameter to choose the counting mode; the possible values are:
- count
- avg
- max
- min
- sum
- if indicate count then selectCount($field) is executed
- if indicate avg then selectAvg($field) is executed
- if indicate max then selectMax($field) is executed
- if indicate min then selectMin($field) is executed
- if indicate sum then selectSum($field) is executed
All settings are available in the administration settings area.
Each type of widget has its own specific settings.
Line Chart
You can set the default values in the Bonfire\Widgets\Config\LineChart
In the administration settings area, you can choose to: - Display the title - View the legend - Choose the location of the legend - Enable animation - You can choose the value of the tension: Bezier curve tension of the line. Set to 0 to draw straightlines.
Advanced settings:
- You can set Line color
- You can set Line width
Bar Chart
You can set the default values in the Bonfire\Widgets\Config\BarChart
In the administration settings area, you can choose to: - Display the title - View the legend - Choose the location of the legend - Enable animation - Assign a predefined color scheme to fill the chart
Doughnut Chart
You can set the default values in the Bonfire\Widgets\Config\DoughnutChart
In the administration settings area, you can choose to: - Display the title - View the legend - Choose the location of the legend - Enable animation - Assign a predefined color scheme to fill the chart
Pie Chart
You can set the default values in the Bonfire\Widgets\Config\PieChart
In the administration settings area, you can choose to: - Display the title - View the legend - Choose the location of the legend - Enable animation - Assign a predefined color scheme to fill the chart
Polar Area Chart
You can set the default values in the Bonfire\Widgets\Config\PolarAreaChart
In the administration settings area, you can choose to: - Display the title - View the legend - Choose the location of the legend - Enable animation - Assign a predefined color scheme to fill the chart