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Creating an Admin Module

The bulk of your work in the admin area will likely be done creating new modules of code. Modules are groups of code centered around a single task or resource, like Users, Photos, etc. For the most part, admin modules are like any other bit of module CodeIgniter code, except for a new Module.php file that helps the module integrate into the admin area. Other than that you will be able to take advantage of solutions that allow your code to integrate directly into settings pages, be part of the global search results, automatically display and manage filtering of a resource list, or show up in the Recycler.

A good module to look at when creating your own is the Bonfire's own Users module (src/Users). You can also look at an example module Pages, which is an implementation of a module of Bonfire 2 admin panel for administration of pages on a website.

Configuring Module Locations

In order for Bonfire to discover your modules, you need to specify one or more locations that you plan on storing the modules. By default, the system will look within app/Modules for directories. As an example, we could create a Blog folder to store our new blog package. You would then need to create the standard directories, Config, Controllers, Models and Views at the very least. A Module.php file is also expected to live here, which we will look at in more detail a little later. The directory structure would look like:


All files within the Blog directory would be expected to live within the App\Modules\{ModuleName} namespace, i.e. App\Modules\Blog\Config\Routes. You can customize this by editing Config\Bonfire and changing the key of the $appModules setting within it.

public $appModules = [
    'App\Modules' => APPPATH .'Modules',

For example, if I would prefer the modules to simply live within my company's namespace, Acme, I could edit the key to reflect that:

public $appModules = [
    'Acme' => APPPATH .'Modules',

If you have multiple locations you need to keep modules, you can add multiple entries here and they will all be automatically discovered and registered within Bonfire.

The Module File

The Module file handles initialization functions when the admin is loaded. It allows the module to create new menus, insert itself into the existing sidebar menus, etc. The initAdmin method is where all of the setup for displaying and admin page should be done.

namespace Acme\Blog;

use Bonfire\Core\BaseModule;
use Bonfire\Menus\MenuItem;

class Module extends BaseModule
    public function initAdmin()

Adding a Menu Item

The main side navigation in the admin consists of three primary menu collections:

  • a main Content collection where you would place the main page for managing a resource (like Users)
  • the Settings collection where your module's settings pages should live.
  • the Tools collection which holds miscellaneous things that are helpful, but not needed on a daily basis.

Menu items are added to the sidebar using the menus service. Below are two examples taken from the core Users module. They share common setup which will be discussed after the example:

// Settings menu for sidebar
$sidebar = service('menus');
$item    = new MenuItem([
    'title'           => 'Users',
    'namedRoute'      => 'user-settings',
    'fontAwesomeIcon' => 'fas fa-user',
    'permission'      => 'users.settings',

// Content Menu for sidebar
$item = new MenuItem([
    'title'           => 'Users',
    'namedRoute'      => 'user-list',
    'fontAwesomeIcon' => 'fas fa-users',
    'permission'      => 'users.list',

MenuItems contain the information about a single menu item. When you create a new one you have the following settings available to you:

  • title is the string that will be displayed to the user in the Menu
  • namedRoute is the route that will be called when the link is clicked. You must use a named route which should be defined within your module's Config/Routes file.
  • fontAwesomeIcon is used to specify the FontAwesome icon that will be displayed in the sidebar.
  • permission is used to specify a permission string that is required for a user to see that link. If they do not have the proper permissions the link will not be displayed within the menu. If this item should be available to everyone leave it blank.

One the MenuItem has been created, you add it to the appropriate menu/collection.